As we enter a new quarter, we are also ending our football season. There are many mixed emotions going around. For our seniors, these are the last games that they are going to play for Desert Christian Academy. And for the fans, these are the last games we will see these players play in blue and white uniform. For the freshman it’s a bit different; they still have a few more years to represent the
Sports are a big part of our DCA school community. Through sports we are able to create a certain school spirit that allows us to encourage our fellow classmates, while also allowing the team to achieve their goals in the process! The varsity volleyball team plays a large aspect in our school and sports community. While the volleyball season is unfortunately coming to an close, we can still look back on the season and all
Athletics   ,
Desert Christian Academy has Chapel every week for each grade (K-12). During Chapel we start with worship given to us by our amazing Worship Flex which is led by Mr. Palmer and Mr. Gipson. Our chaplain is Mr. Gordon who has been with our school for three years now and has been a large influence on our students and staff. This year our verse is, “They said, Let us Arise and Build. So they strengthened
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The Transition from Homeschool to High School         There is more to coming to school than just saying, “Oh! I’m going to school and I’ll just stop being homeschooled.”  Statistics show that the homeschool community has grown 60% in the last 10 years. And even though it has grown so much, sometimes parents feel that it is time to send their children out into the world. Sometimes God wants you to release your children, into
This year’s spirit week took an interesting turn. As you may know Desert Christian Academy started a house system, this system was incorporated into spirit week. Throughout the years we have done class spirit dances, each class competing against the other (9-12). But this year we had the four houses (Thysia, Epimelis, Átromos, and Statheros) do their own dances as seperate house groups. Throughout the week the students dressed up in their different themed costumes,
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